Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Man is a social mortal. Being a social one, there seems to prevail a tradition amongst us to express ourselves in either way from medievality. If we sum up all the novels, all the poems and all the works of all the great writers, I think we will not only get a bag full of literature but also an assemblagation of expressions they had; their feelings in diffeent ways for enjoyment, enthrillment, peace, love, anxiety and so on….
Perhaps, our senses and their collaboration with mind to recolllect all deep-heartened emotions just with the help of a pen and a paper is quite alluring, captivating and pleasurable to note. According to me, there exists no mind in the world which is a prosaic or mundane one. There exists a world of ingenuity in all of us. The need is to awaken it. Expression is offered as a gift to mankind by God. It’s a way by which we can describe our feelings…..whether ardent or peaceful. When we feel alone and don’t have anyone to hang out with, it’s our expressions or thoughts that help us to get acquainted.
I think it was a piquant intro to my blog. So, how many times have you all got express yourselves? Perhaps, many!!! In this blog I’ll be dealing with many issues and topics and I just wanna say that go ahead and EXPRESS YOURSELVES………!!!!

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