Wednesday, January 12, 2011


    In this materialistic world, people seem to be more influenced by the modernisation of products through advertisements, even if they are non-aufit. Scrutinizing the fact, I find even the useless products more dominating just because of "AD'S".

             Well, starting optimistically, I feel advertisements are of great importance although debating would lead or take us to longer contradictional results. They cause a competition between products of same genre and hence increase their commercial as well as nutritional values as a result of which the companies get more devoted to the betterment of common masses through their diligent products. Ad's also make us aware of new products in the market depriving of which we would still be old-fashioned. For youths, advertisements are like a craze-factor. Each and every dialogue goes intervenous in them. Advetisements are also source for information about new technos and gizmos, colleges and various institutions. They play a important role in making citizens aware of their rights and regulations through various governmental issues and ad's like "Jaago Grahak Jaago" which make us realize what power we can exercise over the shopkeepers and various other post-holders. Also they are good source of income for various T.V. channels and reality shows through which they are able to conduct so well.

            On the other hand, there are tens and millions of jests and disadvantages for advertisements too. Let's check them out. Ad fever is so high thet before the exams students may not go for traditional sweets but they'll surely go for Cadbury Dairy Milk, and of course because it's a "Shubh Aarambh". Whether you ought to "Taste the Thunder" or go on to protrude "Youngistan". Or better say that the fever of advertisement is more fluent than swine flu. If I go on to include all the examples, it would be eternity or may be far from that too!!! Advertisements give rise to transient passions in our life as the trend changes within a short period of time. All of us try to become voguish these days although the look may be jokish. These days, the dressing table of not only the women, but also the men is filled with lakhs of taudry things. I feel it's exploiting or crucifying our customs and traditions. There are many papertrails in our day to day life to explain these things.

            Well, I have much more to say, but limit stops me over here. Advertisements satisfies the proverb that "All that glitters is not gold"......and rest you all are quite smart to understand.... :-)

                                                                                                            -VAIBHAV VARUN

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